My apologies to those who have seen this before, but if you haven't, be warned: it is awesome.
Super-awesome, even.
My apologies to those who have seen this before, but if you haven't, be warned: it is awesome.
My sincerest apologies to everyone who was expecting a post last Thursday. As happens, Sundance has been quite hectic and I haven't had a chance to tell some stories. Sadly, I shall probably miss this Thursday's as well—and for that, let me give you a preemptive "sorry". In the interim, allow me to share with you more (fake) pictures of my interactions with (real) famous people.
As I haven't had much time to find something cool on the World Wide Series-of-Tubes, this week's find comes in the form of something I saw yesterday while looking to the west. I took the following picture:
For the past three years—Thursday starts year four—I have spent the latter portion of each January at the Sundance Film Festival. More specifically, I have spent the latter portion of each January driving filmmakers and celebrities to venues around the Sundance Film Festival. Is it a fun experience? Yup. Is it hard work? Surprisingly yes. Is it one step away from wearing a suit and being referred to as "James" or "Jeeves"? Pretty much.
Much like last week's super-awesome find, this week's find has something to do with William "My Friends Call Me Bill" Shakespeare. Allow me to direct you to Hamlet, Act 5, Scene 1.
Alrighty, kids. Guess That Gun has now officially drawn to a close. We had some awesome players with some creative guesses, and I would like to thank everyone for playing. (If you still want to play, there won't be any prizes, but feel free to check out Round 1, Round 2, and Round 3.) Before I announce the winners, here is a recap of every screenshot, with every guess listed below it (and the correct answer in bold caps):
As it stands, here are the current rankings of Guess That Gun:
TheFormer786 – 11
RedSteve – 6.5
Rachel – 2
Tiff – 4
Katie – 4.5
Melinda – 3
Becca – 9.5
TheOne (I need to know who you actually are) – 11.5
cwils33 – 7.5
Tracy – 1
If you have been playing the previous two rounds of Guess That Gun (located here and here), you no doubt have realized that some of them are fairly easy, while others are a bit more difficult. This has never been truer, as there are some on today's list that nobody should miss, and others that I'd be surprised if more than a few people got. The rules will remain the same, with two additions:
1) Though the name of the game implies that you should guess which gun is being shown, you only need to say which movie the gun is from. (After all, "Guess Which Movie That Gun Comes From" doesn't have as nice a ring to it.)
2) Anyone/everyone can enter until 8am, Thursday, January 14th. At that time, I will collect the guesses, show the correct answers, and announce the winners.
Good luck to all in this, the final round.
Guess That Gun
Round 3