Thursday, February 11, 2010

Where Have All The Ideas Gone?, part 3

Over the past week, we've discussed Hollywood's general apathy towards original ideas, and how they like to take existing films and basically rip them to shreds. Today, I would like to point out some of the other mediums—other than history, news, and other "true stories"—that have been hurt due to this philosophy. (As with previous installments, the purpose of this post is not to say that every movie taken from another medium is bad. Just most of them.) Among other things there have been (bad) movies based on...



...television shows...

...plays... games...

...comic books...

...board games...

...amusement park rides...


...and even social networking sites.

Though this list is by no means extensive or exhaustive, I think we can all agree that if there is something/anything out there, there has been/will be a movie based on it.

You know it's only a matter of time...
But wrapping it up Tuesday: when it gets REALLY bad...


Becca said...

Facebook Movie?? Really? I mean, I realize people are REALLY that stupid, enough to pay to see a movie like that, but.... REALLY?!
Sad day. Although, I would have to say that even though Valentine's Day was a little disjointed, it had moments of hilarity that made up for the so-so attempt at Crash or Magnolia.